September 30, 2013
June 16, 2013
Fosil Brakiopod Perman dari Merapoh, Pahang
September 13, 2012
Fosil-fosil dalam Formasi Bera, Felda Mayam
August 5, 2012
Buku Laporan Pemetaan Geologi Terbaru Terbitan JMG
May 9, 2012
March 28, 2012
Triassic spiriferinid brachipod from Aring, Kelantan
December 29, 2011
Konglomerat Bukit Keluang, Besut
November 16, 2011
Orbituary Charles Strachan Hutchison (1933-2011)
Charles Strachan Hutchison
(17 April 1933 – 18 October 2011)
Charles Hutchison was born in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom, on 17 April 1933. He graduated with First Class Honours in geology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1955. After a short stint as a geologist with Apex (Trinidad) Oilfields in the West Indies from 1955 to 1957, he set sail on the S.S. Reina del Mar and the S.S. Canton to take up the offer of an assistant lectureships as one of the first staff in the new Geology Department at the University of Malaya in Singapore. He worked on his Ph.D. while lecturing at the university and graduated in 1966 with a thesis titled “Tectonic and petrological relations within three orogenic zones in Malaysia”.
He lectured in Singapore from 1957 until 1960, when he moved to Kuala Lumpur and was instrumental in setting up the Geology Department at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. He continued to lecture at the University of Malaya as Associate Professor till 1977 before he was promoted to Professor of Applied Geology, a post he held from 1977 to 1987 and 1989 to 1992. He also served as the Head of the Geology Department from 1978 to 1982. Although very active and productive in research, he took a keen interest in teaching and mentoring students, encouraging their best. Many kept in touch with him and returned to visit him at the university after graduation.
Hutchison was appointed Professor Emeritus in Geology in August 2004 and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Geology, University of Malaya from 4 May 2009 until his death on 18 October 2011. Besides his research and teaching at the University of Malaya, he also taught courses on the Geology and Tectonics of Southeast Asia as visiting professor to MSc in Petroleum Geoscience students at University of Brunei Darussalam and Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.
He has also served as overall Co-coordinator of the SEATAR (Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources) Transects of C.C.O.P (Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas) from 1988 to 1991. He was the Director of the Earth Sciences and Resources Institute (ESRI) of the University of South Carolina responsible for developing training programmes throughout the wider Southeast Asian region.
Prof. Hutchison was an elected fellow of several learned societies, including the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy of London, Mineralogical Society of America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Geological Society of London. He was a founding member of the Geological Society of Malaysia in the 1960s and served as its President during 1969-1970. The Geological Society of Malaysia awarded him Honorary Membership in 1986 for distinguished services to the geoscience community and for the promotion of interest in the geosciences in Malaysia. He was also awarded the Special Commendation Award of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 1994 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to geological research, regional synthesis, tectonic analysis and understanding of the hydrocarbon and mineral deposits of Southeast Asia.
Charles was a prolific writer and authored five books on geology: Laboratory handbook of petrographic techniques (1974), Economic deposits and their tectonic setting (1983), Geological Evolution of Southeast Asia (1989,1996, 2005), South-East Asian oil, gas, coal and mineral deposits (1996), and Geology of North-West Borneo: Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah (2005) in addition to more than a hundred scholarly papers in refereed journals. He has also written chapters for and edited eight books, including the Geology of the Malay Peninsular Malaysia (1973), co-edited with D.J. Gobbett, and the Geology of Peninsular Malaysia (2009) published jointly by the University of Malaya and Geological Society of Malaysia.
Professor Hutchison was a consultant to the Malaysian Government and led the Malaysian Continental Shelf Committee. He conducted short training courses and consulted for many oil and mining companies. He worked extensively with international geologists on many joint projects. Indeed Charles Hutchison earned the title of “the Grand Old Man of Southeast Asian Geology,” for he has left his imprint on all who have worked with him or came after him in doing research on the geology of this region. To Late Professor Charles Strachan Hutchinson- Farewell Sir!
-Dr. Lee Chai Peng
November 8, 2011
Singkapan Batu Pasir Mangking, Pulau Tawar
Ketakselarasan batuan juga dapat dicerap pada bahagian kiri singkapan, keadaan di mana batuan berusia kuartenar melapisi Batu pasir Mangking.
Struktur laminasi dalam batu pasir berpebel. Struktur butiran menghalus keatas atau ' fining upward' biasa dipamerkan dalam batuan tersebut.
Lapisan syal yang terkandung dalam batu pasir membentuk lapisan silang menunjukkan arus berulang alik semasa pengenapan sedimen.
September 18, 2011
Kebenaran al-Quran : Gunung berjalan seperti jalannya awan
August 16, 2011
August 7, 2011
Bagaimana Latitud dan Longitud digunakan?
- tanda negatif (-) seperti Long:-20.788 Lat: 33.229 atau
- tanda Utara-Selatan (U/S) dan Timur-Barat (T/B) seperti Long:101.223T Lat: 4.110U
Tanda negatif pada Longitud - kedudukan bahagian kiri (Barat) peta dunia dari garis median.
1.Koordinat Jakarta, Indonesia adalah Lat:-6.267 dan Long:106.800 <---- iaitu berkedudukan bawah dr garis khatulistiwa dan di bahagian kanan dari garis meridian.
2.Koordinat K. Lumpur adalah Lat:3.133 dan Long:101.700 <------ iaitu berkedudukan di atas garis khatulistiwa dan di bahagian kanan dari garis meridian.
1.Koordinat Jakarta, Indonesia adalah Lat:6.267S dan Long:106.800T
2.Koordinat K. Lumpur adalah Lat:3.133U dan Long:101.700T
August 2, 2011
July 7, 2011
Permian bivalves From Kampar, Perak

May 29, 2011
Batuan volkanik (breksia tuf) dari Lebir, G. Musang
Antara blok-blok batuan yang terdapat dalam batuan yang tersimen oleh debu atau lahar gunung berapi.
Breksia tuf adalah terdiri daripada serpihan-serpihan batuan yang bersudut atau bundar yg bersaiz dari pasir hingga bongkah yang tersimen oleh debu volkanik atau lahar unung berapi. Batuan ini berasal dari serpihan-serpihan batuan yang melambung keluar dari lohong gunung berapi yang jatuh dalam lahar semasa letusan gunung berapi dan kemudiaanya menyejuk membentuk batu breksia tuf seperti yang terdapat di Lebir, Gua Musang.
Berikut adalah pengkelasan batuan piroklastik:
- Tuf - batuan didominasi oleh debu (berbutir halus)
- Lapili tuf - batuan didominasi oleh klas bersaiz lapili
- Breksia tuf - batuan yg mengandungi 25%-75% blok volkanik (serpihan batuan)
- Tuf piroklastik - batuan yg menandungi lebih 75% blok volkanik